Hello, and welcome to my first blog ~
For years my aim in astrology has been to "take it to the streets." I specialize in making a complex subject easy to understand for people who have no background in the technical INs and OUTs of the study of the stars. Check back often for views from an experienced astrologer who likes to share and teach.
For instance, my Janet's Plan-its easy-to-use astrology calendars have been popular for years with people who want the quick low-down on the celestial influences daily and weekly. Many of my customers once used Llewellyn's or Jim Maynard's astrology calendars, but prefer mine because I translate the planets' movements into English. Instead of looking at a bunch of symbols that you have to figure out, I've distilled what you need to know about each week and each day into a quick read. Of course, being the teacher I am, I also include a section that explains the connections between the planets, many of which occur in a series of three times stretched out across weeks or months due to a zigzag phenomenon called Retrograde. For more advanced aficianados of astrology, I offer some handy reference tools, like my 2008 On a Page bar chart of the planets' movements, available as a free down-load pdf.
My calendar is a great starting point for selecting the best time for an endeavor or activity, a process called "electional astrology" - which refers not to an election like we have on November 4, but electing an astrologically appropriate time. For those not versed in astrology, I can do an election for you. That's one of the many services you'll find in the Sales Booth at my website, AstrologyBooth.com. There are some cool gift certificates for my readings that you can customize - perfect for any occasion.
In the Study Booth at my website, you'll find free articles introducing you to the various building blocks of astrology, as well as my popular "Astrologer's Apprentice Cheat Sheet" (another free download pdf file), which has symbols and keywords for the most common chart components. Check out my great links and my recommended reading list. I also offer conference call classes at reasonable rates and private tutoring.
No matter what level your interest in astrology, we can "talk."
October 29, 2008
People Are Talking about Astrology

My clients give me feedback like the following:
"I appreciate the astuteness of your insights!"
G.H., Bend, OR
"Your technical skills were amazing to me, especially as I have studied astrology for 26 years, and have had my chart read by many wonderful astrologers, but you brought many new insights, via the natal and progressions and transits. Your reading felt like a laser beam of clarity, especially because you gave me so many practical (concrete) suggestions that would help me deal with the issues indicated. That is incredibly valuable - a huge gift. I also enjoyed and was comforted by your style of expression - your very charming and gentle manner of communication while dealing with some very difficult issues (that must be your Libra and Pisces energy!). Also your sense of humor helped me hear what you were saying. ... I cannot thank you enough for helping me."
After a couple's chart consultation: " ... We've been talking about our reading all week! You're very accurate - right on the nose."
Sometimes the test of time is the greatest testimonial:
"Janet, about fourteen years ago in San Francisco you did a reading for us. Part of that reading was a compatibility chart rating. You indicated that a couple who scored a 10 probably had a real strong bond and were likely to have a successful long-term relationship. Our rating at 22 was the highest you had ever seen and we certainly have that kind of connection. We just wanted to share with you that it has been twenty years now and it's just getting better!"
G&T C, Sacramento, CA
Early in my career, I met with a woman in her mid-life transition who had just taken a psychological test to determine what she would be good at for a second career. After my reading, she told me that what I'd said was almost word for word what the test had shown.
"Do you know what that tells me?" I asked her.
"That you're a good astrologer?" She replied.
"Thanks, but what I was thinking," I countered, "was that it was a very accurate test!"
A long-distance client whom I never met in person wrote:
"Your observations are very true to my personality traits - at least as I perceive them. I have listened to the tape twice, but will probably do so many more times. It has been most helpful in making me realize that I am not achieving my full potential in my career. That will be the first area I work on. Thanks again."
A client gave her friend a reading as a gift and then wrote me:
"(my friend) was thrilled. She said she's going to send her sister to see you. She was quite impressed with you. Thanks!"
A little sticky note memo, from a phone reading client:
"I enjoyed my reading. I was really amazed how you were accurate on every aspect. Thanks again. "
This postcard came from an American emigrant to Belgium:
"Oh Janet - you have a real gift. Fate is confirming everything, and I am very happy. Merci, Janet, thank you a million-fold for your part in the plan."
Another happy client wrote:
"Wow! You are awesome!!! I can really feel the heart and soul you put into your work - and am lucky to have been referred to you!"
Find out more about my services, and I hope to "meet" with you soon!
Chart Consultation,
Technical Skills
Ancient Science and Art of Astrology

The vast field of astrology seems to have as many facets as the universe has stars! It's not my intention to duplicate the great work being done elsewhere on the internet. I'll just be adding my thoughts and perspectives. This section will be updated with new articles - so visit again periodically.
If you're new to astrology, you'll probably want to read about the basic building blocks of charts, namely signs, planets, houses and aspects. There are a few keywords for each in my Astrologer's Apprentice Cheat Sheet (a great tool to have handy as you learn more about chart reading!) and a number of articles in my STUDY BOOTH. If you're trying to understand your chart for the first time, see Understanding a Chart.
Some good resources can be found on sites like:
astrology.about.com has a Crash Course about the "Basics"
astrologynow.com provides a number of articles on fundamentals
Whether or not you know any astrology, you can benefit from knowing what's going on with the planets, so see my forecasts in JANET'S PLAN-ITS. It will clue you in to good days, challenging days, what you can expect during a Moon Cycle. It gives you a "heads up" so you can take advantage of positive energies and try to avoid the pitfalls of difficult times.
Mary Plumb, reviewer for The Mountain Astrologer, praised my calendars as a great tool for those interested in learning about astrology.
My INFORMATION BOOTH lists two articles that are particularly helpful to the general public or newcomers to astrology:
MAKING PROGRESS - ASTROLOGICALLY (about the astrological technique called "Progressions")
YOUR PERSONAL MOON CYCLES (about your 29-year cycles of growth - this is related to Progressions, so read this after you've read MAKING PROGRESS - ASTROLOGICALLY)
And what's astrology without astronomy, too? It's fun to see what's going on in the heavens. Check out my "EYE ON THE SKY" comments.
I began my studies of astrology in 1976 and haven't been bored once in all these years. I hope your journey in the exploration of this cosmic science will be equally enjoyable.
Basics Course,
Understanding a Chart
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