My clients give me feedback like the following:
"I appreciate the astuteness of your insights!"
G.H., Bend, OR
"Your technical skills were amazing to me, especially as I have studied astrology for 26 years, and have had my chart read by many wonderful astrologers, but you brought many new insights, via the natal and progressions and transits. Your reading felt like a laser beam of clarity, especially because you gave me so many practical (concrete) suggestions that would help me deal with the issues indicated. That is incredibly valuable - a huge gift. I also enjoyed and was comforted by your style of expression - your very charming and gentle manner of communication while dealing with some very difficult issues (that must be your Libra and Pisces energy!). Also your sense of humor helped me hear what you were saying. ... I cannot thank you enough for helping me."
After a couple's chart consultation: " ... We've been talking about our reading all week! You're very accurate - right on the nose."
Sometimes the test of time is the greatest testimonial:
"Janet, about fourteen years ago in San Francisco you did a reading for us. Part of that reading was a compatibility chart rating. You indicated that a couple who scored a 10 probably had a real strong bond and were likely to have a successful long-term relationship. Our rating at 22 was the highest you had ever seen and we certainly have that kind of connection. We just wanted to share with you that it has been twenty years now and it's just getting better!"
G&T C, Sacramento, CA
Early in my career, I met with a woman in her mid-life transition who had just taken a psychological test to determine what she would be good at for a second career. After my reading, she told me that what I'd said was almost word for word what the test had shown.
"Do you know what that tells me?" I asked her.
"That you're a good astrologer?" She replied.
"Thanks, but what I was thinking," I countered, "was that it was a very accurate test!"
A long-distance client whom I never met in person wrote:
"Your observations are very true to my personality traits - at least as I perceive them. I have listened to the tape twice, but will probably do so many more times. It has been most helpful in making me realize that I am not achieving my full potential in my career. That will be the first area I work on. Thanks again."
A client gave her friend a reading as a gift and then wrote me:
"(my friend) was thrilled. She said she's going to send her sister to see you. She was quite impressed with you. Thanks!"
A little sticky note memo, from a phone reading client:
"I enjoyed my reading. I was really amazed how you were accurate on every aspect. Thanks again. "
This postcard came from an American emigrant to Belgium:
"Oh Janet - you have a real gift. Fate is confirming everything, and I am very happy. Merci, Janet, thank you a million-fold for your part in the plan."
Another happy client wrote:
"Wow! You are awesome!!! I can really feel the heart and soul you put into your work - and am lucky to have been referred to you!"
Find out more about my services, and I hope to "meet" with you soon!
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